Andrea Morales Gónzalez is a 27 year old Spanish artist with 5 years of experience. She has her tattoo studio 958 Tattoo in Granada, Spain. You can see her works in her instagram account.
Instagram: @andrea.m0rales
Andrea Morales Gónzalez is a 27 year old Spanish artist with 5 years of experience. She has her tattoo studio 958 Tattoo in Granada, Spain. You can see her works in her instagram account.
Instagram: @andrea.m0rales
Joaquin Ganga López is a 28 year old Spanish artist with 11 years of experience, her professional style is realism and black and grey. Owner of Ganga Tattoo Studio at Calle Olivo nº53, El Palmar de Mucia, Spain. You can see his works in his instagram.
Instagram: @gangatattoo
Alessandro Bonacorsi is a 44 year old Italian artist with 30 years of experience. She has her tattoo studio Alle Tattoo Shop in Limidi di Soliera (Modena) Italy. You can see his works in his instagram account.
Instagram: @alletattoo
Edgar Luis Lamper is a 26 year old Spanish artist with 7 years of experience. She works in Madrid.
Instagram: @lamperedgar
Margot is an artist from Italy with years of experience, her professional style is realism and black and grey. Tattoo Owner of Street Dogs in San Seveniro Marche (Italy). A great career and some great works that you can visualize in her instagram.
Instagram: @margotzsdtm
Sebastián Morales is a 26 year old Spanish artist with years of professional experience. He works at Club Tattoo Lleida, Spain. You can see his work in his instagram account.
Instagram: @cebaztattoo
Jose Antonio Cantarero is a 21 year old Spanish artist, with 3 years of experience. She has her own tattoo studio Wild Tattoo Studio in Marbella, Spain. You can see his work in his instagram account.
Alex Gallo is a 36 year old Spanish artist with 16 years of experience. He has his studio Energy Art in Murcia, Spain. You can see his work in his instagram account.
Instagram: @alexgallo1
Pedro Acosa is a 42 year old Spanish artist with 22 years of tattooing experience. He works as a freelancer in Gijón - Asturias, Spain. You can see his works in his instagram account.
Instagram: @pedrotattoovz
Mireia Ortega is a 24 year old Spanish artist with 5 years of experience. She works as a freelancer in several venues in Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia. You can see her works in her instagram account.
Juan Guart is a 31 year old Spanish artist. He works at the Gold Tattoo Reus Studio in Tarragona. You can see his works in his instagram account.
Instagram: @juan_guart